Source code for labtest.secrets

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

import click
from future.utils import iteritems
from fabric.api import env, task, execute

def _setup_env_with_config(config):
    Add config keys to the env
    env.config = config
    for key, val in iteritems(config.config):
        setattr(env, key, val)
    env.quiet = not config.verbose

[docs]@task def encrypt_task(plaintext): """ Encrypt a secret with the configured secret provider Args: plaintext: The text to encrypt Returns: The encrypted ciphertext """ sec_provider = env.config.secrets return sec_provider.encrypt(plaintext)
@click.command() @click.argument('plaintext') @click.pass_context def encrypt(ctx, plaintext): """ Encrypt a secret """ _setup_env_with_config(ctx.obj) do_parts = False key = '' val = plaintext if '=' in plaintext: key, val = plaintext.split('=') do_parts = click.confirm('Did you want to encrypt "{}" for key "{}"? (No will encrypt the entire string)'.format(val, key)) if not do_parts: key = '' val = plaintext result = execute(encrypt_task, val, ciphertext = result[] click.echo('') if key: click.echo('Add this to the appropriate environment configuration section:') click.echo('') click.echo('{}=ENC[{}]'.format(key, ciphertext)) else: click.echo('Your value is encrypted. Add this appropriate environment configuration section:') click.echo('') click.echo('ENC[{}]'.format(ciphertext))