Source code for labtest.provider.docker.mysql

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import os
from io import BytesIO
from fabric.api import env, run, sudo
from fabric.contrib.files import exists
from fabric.operations import put, get
from fabric.context_managers import settings, hide
import json
import click
from labtest import services

def _get_initial_data_source(path):
    If the path is a directory, get the latest file in it. If the path is a file
    return the path

        path: The full directory or file path for backups

        File path to the backup file. If a directory is passed, it returns the latest file.

    with settings(warn_only=True):
        out = run('stat -L --format=%F {}'.format(path), quiet=env.quiet)
    if out.succeeded:
        if out == 'regular file':
            return path
        elif out == 'directory':
            with settings(warn_only=True):
                latest = run('ls -1td {}/* | head -1'.format(path.rstrip('/')), quiet=env.quiet)
            if latest.succeeded:
                return latest
                raise click.ClickException('The initial source directory ({}) is empty'.format(path))
            raise click.ClickException('LabTest doesn\'t understand the type of "{}": {}'.format(path, out))
        raise click.ClickException('The initial data source "{}" doesn\'t exist on the test server.'.format(path))

def _setup_initial_data_source(path):
    Check for the real initial data source and symlink it to an ``initialdata``
    directory in the experiment's namespace

        path: The full directory or file path for backups

        File path to the symlink to the backup file.

    real_path = _get_initial_data_source(path)
    init_data_path = '{instance_path}/initialdata'.format(**env)
    _, filename = os.path.split(real_path)
    link_path = os.path.join(init_data_path, filename)

    if exists(init_data_path):
        # check to see if the link exists already
        if exists(link_path):
            return link_path
            # the initial data source must have changed, so clear it out
            run('rm -Rf {}/*'.format(init_data_path), quiet=env.quiet)
        run('mkdir -p {}'.format(init_data_path), quiet=env.quiet)
        run('chgrp docker {}'.format(init_data_path), quiet=env.quiet)
    run('ln -s {} {}'.format(real_path, link_path), quiet=env.quiet)
    click.echo('  Created a symlink from {} -> {}'.format(real_path, link_path))
    return link_path

def _setup_env_file(filepath, environment):
    Write the an environment file for the service container

        filepath: The full path to store the environment
        environment  A list of strings
    contents = BytesIO()
    for item in environment:
    with hide('running'):
        put(local_path=contents, remote_path=filepath)

def _setup_volume(config):
    Create a volume if it doesn't exist for storing the mysql data
    volumes = run('docker volume ls --filter name={volume_name} -q'.format(**config), quiet=env.quiet)
    if len(volumes) == 0:
        click.echo('  Creating a volume for storing MySQL data.')
        run('docker volume create --driver rexray/ebs:latest --opt=size=10 {volume_name}'.format(**config), quiet=env.quiet)

def _delete_volume(config):
    Remove the volume, if it exists
    volumes = run('docker volume ls --filter name={volume_name} -q'.format(**config), quiet=env.quiet)
    if len(volumes) != 0:
        click.echo('  Deleting volume {volume_name}.'.format(**config))
        run('docker volume rm {volume_name}'.format(**config), quiet=env.quiet)

def _setup_container(config):
    Create a container.

    If an existing container is running, we need to stop and remove it.
    We also need to remember that so we can restart the new container when done.
    The Docker command is built dynamically, since there are optional parts.
    click.echo('  Setting up the {service_name} container'.format(**config))

    containers = run('docker ps -a --filter name={service_name} --format "{{{{.ID}}}}"'.format(**config), quiet=env.quiet)
    if len(containers) > 0:
        click.echo('  Removing existing container.')
        with settings(warn_only=True):
            sudo('systemctl stop {service_name}'.format(**config), quiet=env.quiet)
        run('docker rm -f {service_name}'.format(**config), quiet=env.quiet)
        run('docker volume prune -f', quiet=env.quiet)

    cmd = [
        'docker create',
        '--name {service_name}',
        '--network {network_name}',
        '--net-alias {name}',
        '-v {volume_name}:/var/lib/mysql',

    if config['environment']:
        _setup_env_file(config['environment_file_path'], config['environment'])
        cmd.append('--env-file {environment_file_path}'.format(**config))

    if config.get('initial_data_source', ''):
        config['data_source_filename'] = os.path.basename(config['initial_data_source'])
        cmd.append('-v {initial_data_source}:/docker-entrypoint-initdb.d/{data_source_filename}')

    if 'commands' in config:

    run(' '.join(cmd).format(**config), quiet=env.quiet)

    del config['data_source_filename']

    # If the container existed before, we need to start it again
    if len(containers) > 0:
        click.echo('  Starting new container.')
        with settings(warn_only=True):
            sudo('systemctl start {service_name}'.format(**config), quiet=env.quiet)

def _delete_container(config):
    Remove the container
    containers = run('docker ps -a --filter name={service_name} --format "{{{{.ID}}}}"'.format(**config), quiet=env.quiet)
    if len(containers) > 0:
        click.echo('  Deleting the {service_name} container'.format(**config))
        with settings(warn_only=True):
            sudo('systemctl stop {service_name}'.format(**config), quiet=env.quiet)
        run('docker rm -f {service_name}'.format(**config), quiet=env.quiet)

def _write_config(config, config_path):
    Write a JSON file to the test server to make it easy to see if things have changed
    config = json.dumps(config)
    with hide('running'):
        put(local_path=BytesIO(config), remote_path=config_path)

def _delete_config(config_path):
    Remove the JSON file
    if exists(config_path):
        run('rm {}'.format(config_path), quiet=env.quiet)

def _has_config_changed(new_config):
    Check a config file on the test server and see if it is different from the
    config_path = new_config['config_path']
    if exists(config_path):
        existing_config_buffer = BytesIO()
        with hide('running'):
            get(local_path=existing_config_buffer, remote_path=config_path)
            existing_config = json.loads(unicode(existing_config_buffer.getvalue()))
            key_diffs = set(new_config.keys()) ^ set(existing_config.keys())
            if len(key_diffs):
                click.echo('  Configuration for existing MySQL service has different options from the new configuration.')
                for i in key_diffs:
                    click.echo('    - {}'.format(i))
                click.echo('  Re-creating it.')
                return True
            for key, val in new_config.items():
                if existing_config[key] != val:
                    click.echo('  Configuration for existing MySQL service has changed.')
                    click.echo('    {} was {} now {}'.format(key, existing_config[key], val))
                    click.echo('  Re-creating it.')
                    return True
            click.echo('  Configuration for existing MySQL service is unchanged. Skipping.')
            return False
        except Exception as e:
            click.echo('  Error: {}'.format(e))
            click.echo('  Configuration for existing MySQL service is unreadable. Re-creating it.')
            return True
        return True

def _get_service_config(config, name):
    Return a dict with all the configuration used throughout this module
    service_config = config.get('options', {})
    service_config['app_name'] = env.app_name
    service_config['instance_name'] = env.instance_name
    service_config['instance_path'] = env.instance_path
    service_config['name'] = name
    service_config['service_name'] = '{app_name}-{instance_name}-{name}'.format(name=name, **env)
    service_config['environment_file_path'] = '{instance_path}/{service_name}.env'.format(**service_config)
    service_config['volume_name'] = '{service_name}-data'.format(**service_config)
    service_config['config_path'] = '{instance_path}/{service_name}.conf.json'.format(**service_config)
    service_config['network_name'] = '{app_name}-{instance_name}-net'.format(name=name, **env)
    if 'wait_timeout' not in service_config:
        service_config['wait_timeout'] = 60
        service_config['wait_timeout'] = int(service_config['wait_timeout'])
    if 'wait_attempts' not in service_config:
        service_config['wait_attempts'] = 6
        service_config['wait_attempts'] = int(service_config['wait_attempts'])

    return service_config

def _is_service_ready(config):
    Try to connect to see if the service is ready for connections

        config: The service configuration

        True if service is accepting connections, False if not
    cmd = [
        'docker run -it',
        '--name {service_name}-client',
        '--network {network_name}',
        '--env-file {environment_file_path}',
        '--rm {image}',
        'sh -c',
        '\'exec mysql -h"{name}" -uroot -D"$MYSQL_DATABASE" --execute "SELECT VERSION();"\''
    with settings(warn_only=True):
        response = run(' '.join(cmd).format(**config), quiet=env.quiet)
        return response.succeeded

def _wait_for_service(config):
    Wait for the service, if configured to do so
    import time

    if not config.get('wait_for_service', False):
        return True

    click.echo('  Waiting for the service...')
    wait_time = config['wait_timeout']
    wait_attempts = config['wait_attempts']
    attempts = 0
    initial_time = time.time()
    end_time = initial_time + wait_time

    click.echo('  Attempt {} of {} ({} seconds to go)'.format(attempts + 1, wait_attempts, wait_time))
    while not _is_service_ready(config):
        current_time = time.time()
        if end_time < current_time or attempts == wait_attempts:
            return False
        time_left = int(round(end_time - current_time, 0))
        sleep_time = min([2 ** attempts, time_left])
        if sleep_time == 1:
            click.echo('  - Waiting for {} second...'.format(sleep_time))
            click.echo('  - Waiting for {} seconds...'.format(sleep_time))
        time_left = int(round(end_time - time.time(), 0))
        attempts += 1
        if attempts == wait_attempts:
            click.echo('  Trying one last time...')
            click.echo('  Attempt {} of {} ({} seconds to go)'.format(attempts + 1, wait_attempts, time_left))

    click.secho('  Service is ready', fg='green')
    return True

[docs]def create(config, name): """ Create the service Args: config: The configuration name: The name of the service Returns: An empty``dict``. There is no additional information required for the experiment. """ service_config = _get_service_config(config, name) click.echo('Creating MySQL service.') if 'initial_data_source' in service_config: click.echo(' Getting the initial data source.') service_config['initial_data_source'] = _setup_initial_data_source(config['options']['initial_data_source']) click.echo(' Initial data source: {}'.format(service_config['initial_data_source'])) if 'image' not in service_config: service_config['image'] = 'mysql' # See if existing configuration file is on test server # if it is, see if anything changed with current config # Create the service only if the configuration is changed create_service = _has_config_changed(service_config) if create_service: click.echo(' Updating docker image "{}" for backing service.'.format(service_config['image'])) run('docker pull {}'.format(service_config['image']), quiet=env.quiet) # To make sure it is ready to go _setup_volume(service_config) _setup_container(service_config) systemd_template = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'templates', 'systemd-backing.conf.template') services.setup_service(service_config['service_name'], systemd_template, {'SERVICE_NAME': service_config['service_name']}, env.quiet) _write_config(service_config, service_config['config_path']) if not _wait_for_service(service_config): raise click.ClickException(' The MySQL service was not ready in the time allotted ({wait_timeout} seconds or {wait_attempts} attempts)'.format(**service_config)) return {}
[docs]def destroy(config, name): """ Destroy the service and clean up Args: config: The service configuration name: The name for the service """ service_config = _get_service_config(config, name) click.echo('Destroying MySQL service.') initial_data_path = '{instance_path}/initialdata'.format(**env) if exists(initial_data_path): run('rm -R {}'.format(initial_data_path), quiet=env.quiet) if exists(service_config['environment_file_path']): run('rm -R {}'.format(service_config['environment_file_path']), quiet=env.quiet) _delete_config(service_config['config_path']) services.delete_service(service_config['service_name'], env.quiet) _delete_container(service_config) _delete_volume(service_config) run('docker volume prune -f', quiet=env.quiet) run('docker container prune -f', quiet=env.quiet)
[docs]def check_config(config): """ Make sure all the proper arguments are in there Args: config: The configuration Returns: ``True`` if the configuration is correct, otherwise ``False``. """ return True