Source code for labtest.filesystem

Provides helpers for filesystem operations that extend Fabric's
from io import BytesIO
from fabric.operations import get
from fabric.context_managers import hide
from fabric.api import env, run
# from fabric.contrib.files import exists

[docs]def get_file_contents(remote_path): """ Reads the file contents into a buffer. The buffer is a BytesIO buffer, so it works for binary and text documents. For text documents, you will have to coerce it appropriately. Args: remote_path: The path to the remote file Returns: A BytesIO buffer. """ buffer = BytesIO() with hide('running'): get(local_path=buffer, remote_path=remote_path) return buffer
[docs]def create_dir(remote_path, owner=None, group='docker', mode=None): """ Create a directory and the intermediate paths as required. The group will always be set to ``group``. The owner and mode will not be set unless specified Args: remote_path: The remote directory path owner: The name of the user to set the owner of the directory group: The name of the group to set the group of the directory mode: The mode to set the directory, as a string """ run('mkdir -p {}'.format(remote_path), quiet=env.quiet) run('chgrp {} {}'.format(group, remote_path), quiet=env.quiet) if owner is not None: run('chown {} {}'.format(owner, remote_path), quiet=env.quiet) if mode is not None: if isinstance(mode, int): run('chmod {:o} {}'.format(mode, remote_path), quiet=env.quiet) else: run('chmod {} {}'.format(mode, remote_path), quiet=env.quiet)
[docs]def is_dir(remote_path): """ Check if the remote path is a directory """ out = run('stat -L --format=%F {}'.format(remote_path), quiet=env.quiet) if out.succeeded and out == 'directory': return True return False