Source code for labtest.config

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from __future__ import absolute_import
from future.utils import iteritems
from past.builtins import basestring
from .configobj import Config
import click

from fabric.api import task, execute
from fabric.context_managers import hide
from fabric.contrib.files import exists
from .filesystem import get_file_contents

[docs]@task def get_state(): """ Task to get the state provider from the remote server and return a State object Returns: A subclass instance of :class:`BaseState` or ``None`` """ import json from labtest.provider import state_providers remote_path = '/testing/state.json' if exists(remote_path): try: state_config = json.loads(get_file_contents(remote_path).getvalue()) except Exception as e: raise click.ClickException('There was an issue reading the state config: {}'.format(e)) if state_config['provider'] not in state_providers: raise click.ClickException('The state provider "{}" is does not exist in this version of LabTest.'.format(state_config['provider'])) elif state_config.get('service') not in state_providers[state_config['provider']]: raise click.ClickException('The state provider "{}" is does not have a state service of "{}" in this version of LabTest.'.format(state_config['provider'], state_config['service'])) else: return state_providers[state_config['provider']][state_config['service']](state_config.get('options', {})) else: return None
[docs]class LabTestConfig(Config): default_config_files = [ '.labtest.yml', '.labtest.yaml', 'setup.cfg', 'package.json', ] namespace = 'labtest' required_attrs = [ 'app_build_command', 'app_build_image', 'app_name', 'before_start_command', 'build_provider', 'container_provider', 'docker_image_pattern', 'environment', 'host', 'host_name_pattern', 'services', 'test_domain', 'verbose', ] dependencies = { 'build_provider': { 'default': [ 'code_repo_url', 'app_build_image', 'app_build_command', 'container_build_command', 'container_provider', ] } }
[docs] def get_default_app_build_command(self): """ Make the app build image command optional """ return ''
[docs] def get_default_app_build_image(self): """ Make the app build image config optional """ return ''
[docs] def get_default_app_name(self): """ The default app_name is the name of the directory containing the .git directory """ import os import subprocess out = subprocess.check_output(['git', 'rev-parse', '--show-toplevel']) dirname, name = os.path.split(out.strip()) return name
[docs] def get_default_before_start_command(self): """ There is no default before_start_command """ return None
[docs] def get_default_build_provider(self): """ The default provider of the build """ return 'default'
[docs] def get_default_container_provider(self): """ Where are the images stored by default? """ return 'local'
[docs] def get_default_container_build_command(self): return 'docker build -t $APP_NAME/$INSTANCE_NAME --build-arg RELEASE=$RELEASE --build-arg APP_NAME=$APP_NAME --build-arg BRANCH_NAME=$BRANCH_NAME --build-arg INSTANCE_NAME=$INSTANCE_NAME .'
[docs] def get_default_docker_image_pattern(self): """ Return the default docker image name pattern """ return '%(APP_NAME)s/%(INSTANCE_NAME)s:latest'
[docs] def set_environment(self, value): """ Make sure the environment is a list """ if isinstance(value, basestring): self._config['environment'] = value.split(',') elif isinstance(value, (list, tuple)): self._config['environment'] = list(value) # convert tuples to list
[docs] def get_default_environment(self): """ Return an empty list as the default environment """ return []
[docs] def get_default_host_name_pattern(self): """ Return the default host name pattern """ return '%(APP_NAME)s-%(INSTANCE_NAME)s'
[docs] def get_default_services(self): """ The services the experiment requires. Defaults to an empty dict """ return {}
[docs] def get_state(self): """ Retrieves the state object and caches it """ if 'state' not in self._config: with hide('running'): self._config['state'] = execute(get_state,[] return self._config['state']
[docs] def get_secrets(self): """ Retrieves the secret provider from state and caches it """ import json from labtest.provider import secret_providers if 'secrets' not in self._config: secret_config = json.loads(self.state.get('/secrets')) if not isinstance(secret_config, dict): raise click.ClickException('The secret provider configuration is not recognized.') elif secret_config.get('provider') not in secret_providers: raise click.ClickException('The secret provider "{}" is not configured in this version of LabTest'.format(secret_config.get('provider'))) elif secret_config.get('service') not in secret_providers[secret_config['provider']]: raise click.ClickException('The secret provider "{}" is does not have a service of "{}" in this version of LabTest.'.format(secret_config['provider'], secret_config.get('service'))) else: self._config['secrets'] = secret_providers[secret_config['provider']][secret_config['service']](secret_config.get('options', {})) return self._config['secrets']
[docs] def set_use_ssh_config(self, value): """ Make sure the value is converted to a boolean """ if isinstance(value, basestring): self._config['use_ssh_config'] = (value.lower() in ['1', 'true', 'yes', ]) elif isinstance(value, int): self._config['use_ssh_config'] = (value == 1) elif isinstance(value, bool): self._config['use_ssh_config'] = value else: self._config['use_ssh_config'] = False
[docs] def get_default_use_ssh_config(self): return False
[docs] def get_default_verbose(self): return False
[docs] def validate_dependencies(self): """ Make sure extra options are set, if necessary """ config = self.config missing_attrs = [] for option, dependency in iteritems(self.dependencies): for dep_option in dependency.get(config[option], []): if dep_option not in config: default_func = getattr(self, 'get_default_{}'.format(dep_option), None) if default_func: setattr(self, dep_option, default_func()) else: missing_attrs.append(dep_option) return missing_attrs
[docs]def get_config(filepath='', **kwargs): """ Get the configuration based off all the ways you can pass it Can raise IOError if the filepath passed in doesn't exist Precedence: 1. Command-line arguments 2. Configuration file """ config = LabTestConfig() if not filepath: config.parse_default_config() else: config.parse_file(filepath) for key, val in iteritems(kwargs): setattr(config, key, val) return config
def _format_config(val, key='', indent=0, indent_amt=2): """ recursive dict/list formatter """ spaces = ' ' * indent * indent_amt if isinstance(val, (list, tuple)): if key: click.echo(spaces, nl=False) click.echo('{}:'.format(key), bold=True)) indent += 1 for item in val: _format_config(item, '', indent, indent_amt) if key: indent -= 1 elif isinstance(val, dict): if key: click.echo(spaces, nl=False) click.echo('{}:'.format(key), bold=True)) indent += 1 for subkey, subval in iteritems(val): # indent += 1 _format_config(subval, subkey, indent, indent_amt) else: if key: click.echo(spaces, nl=False) click.echo('{}:'.format(key), bold=True), nl=False) click.echo(' {}'.format(val)) else: click.echo('{}{}'.format(spaces, val)) @click.command() @click.pass_context def check_config(ctx): """ Check the configuration and output any errors """ ctx.obj.validate() click.echo(ctx.obj.validation_message()) click.echo('') _format_config(ctx.obj.config, 'Configuration')